Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dora the Explorer

Posted on 3:32 PM by biotoy

Dora the Explorer is an animated television series that is a wonderful show for children. It's perfect for pre-schoolers and toddlers. The lessons are hidden in Dora's adventures and not force fed. Another one of the best parts of Dora the Explorer show is the bilingual aspect. Characters speak both English and Spanish. Dora's adventures are fun and interesting, with an emphasis on sharing, compromise, and interactivity.

This is a brief introduction about ‘The Dora explorer’ cartoon show. But they are marketing this cartoon character in various forms like wall papers, children’s toys, Bicycle, Back bag, online games, puzzles, and crafts.

Dora the Explorer became the first Hispanic character in the 79th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on 2005. Years before this cartoon, in 1971, English group Stackridge released a single entitled Dora the Female Explorer.

This cartoon character is famous in USA, UK and Australia. Children’s especially girls like this character and want to be like that. They want to use this character in every form. Dora the explorer song is available in CD’s. There is Books, Posters and DVD’s which spreads its fame. Also they are selling Dora character printed stationeries.

Other characters include Dora's parents whom she calls Papi and Mami and her grandmother. There is also Dora's cousin Diego who rescues animals that are at risk and who also accompany her during her quests.

Also I wanted to add some of online cartoon, game websites where we can play different games. This is not only for children but to elders also. After all, every person has his inner child.

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