Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Earth Gets Billion-Year Life Extension

We all know that there is always a speculation whether there is life except earth in cosmos. Also, how long the earth will support life...There are so many factors which affects life in earth...and climate is the important one among might have known about green house effect, methane gas emission, chloroflurocarbon reaction in ozone that makes hole and allows radiation in earth atmosphere...The life in earth is determined by the heat where the above said reactions come into play...

Scientists King Fai Li and his colleagues at Caltech says that Earth’s atmospheric pressure always vary and will protect the earth from frying by its fall in future. And this theory support The Earth could be habitable for another 2.3 billion years, extending previous estimates of life’s horizon by more than 1 billion years. Good news..Right..

If the new idea proves correct and can be extended to other planets with biospheres, it could increase the chances that earthly civilization finds extraterrestrial life by doubling the percentage of time that planets could be inhabited.

“The Earth will be identifiable as an inhabited planet for nearly half the total lifetime of the Sun, an important point to consider in the search for life on extrasolar planets,” the authors write in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

So by calculating atmospheric pressure we can tell the nature of climate..but unfortunately it has gone uninvestigated in the past...but scientist are now trying to calculate atmospheric pressure by size of gas bubbles in sea...smaller bubbles mean lower pressure, larger ones mean higher and by investigating set of basalt rocks from 2.7 billion years ago in Northwestern Australia...

So, the study of how overall variation in atmospheric pressure may have affected past and may affect future climate could be relevant for understanding climate change on the billion-year time scale.